Pumping Iron

(May 2018) WRITING WEDNESDAY: Another birthday came and went, and I’m obsessed with blogs and books about how to get your financial state in order for retirement. The good news about writing is that even though it’s not usually lucrative, it’s something you can do when you’re older . . . and many readers are older women, anyway. While teaching can either be wearying or taking valuable time or energy away from your own work, spending most of your time writing can lead to more ideas or expand your notion on what you can write. I just read a blog how ageism is rampant in the high-tech industry where 30 is the average age of employees. The same is true for other corporations; you may want to work until you are 70 but you may not have a say in the matter. (It’s especially challenging for women.) If you have been slowly building a body of work, you will have a niche platform by the time you are in your 50s. It’s difficult to create that instantaneously. You are calling your own shots and digging your own path. I figure that I have 14 more years of writing left in me. I’m savoring this time of my life. Pumping iron (yeah, only 2.5-pound weights, but still) and eating more protein. I’m going to be working hard these last 14 years, but it’s a joy, not a burden.

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